I find this title amusing, though I know nothing else about the book: Googling God: Searching for a Faith You Can Believe in.
Further investigation, via Google of course, leads me to The Church of Google, a group of people who believe Google is God (or at least make this argument for the purpose of appearing clever on the internet).
It's apparently not just the kooks who think this, though. New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman has made the same argument -- see his 2003 column Is Google God?. Okay, maybe Friedman is a kook. Novelist Douglas Coupland has also compared Google with God (see this Time magazine article). Coupland may be a kook but he's a better writer than Friedman.
And one can't forget Ray Kurzweil, who has said that Google's database may evolve into a god (see this 2006 CNN Money feature that imagines four possible futures for Google, one of which is Google is God).
See also: Google image search on Google and God.
Seems synchronical, I just published my post "Spiritual powers through technology" on http://www.indranet.org/spiritual-powers-through-technology/ Taking Google for God doesn't really surprise me given the attitude of digitalizing the universe. One more time is mistaking the map for the territory. In a broader view EVEN Google is part of God... after all they do their best in not doing any evil :-)
Posted by: Ivo Quartiroli | Sunday, February 24, 2008 at 07:51 PM