Blogger academHacK has discovered that Lee Siegel's Against the Machine is available in Kindle format, which, you know, is ironic. Link: Saturday Humor: Fearing Technology, via Smart Mobs.
Here's more irony: an "academic" who can't capitalize words properly! ha ha. Gosh, this is easy.
Seriously, though, I just finished reading Siegel's book yesterday and my thoughts are mixed. He makes some good points about participatory culture and internet hype, but the book is much more a piece of cultural criticism (not technology related) than anything else. He spends more words criticizing American Idol than he does criticizing YouTube. So I find it puzzling that the book was given such a provocative title, but I guess that's marketing for you. I also think his logic is pretty weak, though the book is really more a rant than an argument.
And of course Siegel points out clearly in the book that he's not blindly anti-Internet, which should ease academHacK's mind.
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