From the Official Google Blog today:
In order to give you the best possible information about the privacy settings for our products, we asked the engineers and product managers who actually designed them to explain how they work in a series of new videos we released today on our YouTube Privacy Channel. These videos feature Googlers sharing privacy tips, like how to use Google Chat’s “Off the Record” feature, how to limit the number of people who can view your Picasa photos, how to unlist your phone number from Google search results, and how to make the details of your Google Calendar entries private.
Just as we’re dedicated to innovation when it comes to making better, more useful products, we’re also committed to finding new ways to educate you about how to control what information you share when using our products, and with whom. This series, along with the other videos on our YouTube Privacy Channel, are part of this awareness-raising effort. So watch the videos (including our very own blooper reel) and tell us what you think.
Link: New privacy tips series.
Hey Google, if you need to give instructions on how to opt out then you're making it too hard to opt out. If instructions are needed, then make them findable from the Google front page instead of dumping them on some YouTube page nobody's ever heard of, or will ever remember.
Update: According to Lifehacker there has been a petition kicking around since October 2006 for a Google Data Privacy Manager. So far it has collected a whopping 195 signatures. Yikes. Perhaps hosting an anti-Google petition on a Google service (Google Pages) is a bad idea.
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