It's generating lots of talk:
- New York Times: Google Zooms In Too Close for Some.
- NYT The Lede blog: Scenes Through the Eyes of Google.
- Lauren Weinstein: Thoughts on Google Maps Street Level Photos and Privacy.
- Michael Zimmer: Google's "Street View" and Privacy in Public.
- A collection of interesting sightings at Wired: Request for urban street sightings,
- and at BoingBoing: Google maps is spying on my cat.
As someone who has done image processing research I'm a bit surprised that they didn't run the images through some code to automatically detect and blur license plates, faces and maybe other things. That's a challenging problem but not outside the realm of possibility (call me, Google). :)
On Google and privacy generally, see also Ann Bartow: The Google Threat.
One more: Farhad Manjoo has a pretty good recap at his all-new Machinist blog at Salon: Google is watching you (but so is everyone else).
I added the best "Google Street View" here : (28 views and more after).
Posted by: GeoTrotter | Friday, June 01, 2007 at 07:33 AM