Library Juice Concentrate by Rory Litwin collects a number of articles from the progressive-left librarian e-zine (and now blog) Library Juice. The intended audience is primarily library/information scientists and others interested in library philosophy and politics, but there's much here to stimulate others interested in how technology is changing the way we record and access human knowledge.
The essays touch on diverse topics including privacy, intellectual freedom, the value of traditional librarianship, the rebranding of librarianship as information science, and Google's project to scan and monetize library holdings. There's a good variety of tone, ranging from heady philosophy to light-hearted quotes and limericks.
Library Juice Press is a new publisher whose other books include Library Daylight, a collection of readings on library history and controversy, and Barbarians at the Gates of the Public Library: How Postmodern Consumer Capitalism Threatens Democracy, Civil Education and the Public Good by Ed D'Angelo.
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