Online buyers and sellers at sites like eBay and Amazon already live or die based on mostly anonymous ratings; now a new site, The GORB, is cutting out the middle man by letting you rate people directly, and always anonymously, based on whatever criteria you like.
There's a browse button at the top right where you can view samples, e.g., Dan D. is a good speller and has an overal ranking of #131 worldwide. Not sure if the person you want to insult, er, rate will know? Send them a "GORBnote."
The FAQ enlightens us with several reasons why this site is necessary:
Because you want to give someone you know anonymous feedback. This feedback will encourage their good behavior and allow them to understand where they need to improve. [...]
(Which reminds me of a site that used to exist, and maybe still does, that allowed you to send an anonymous email to someone telling them they have bad breath.)
Because it will help us all be more human. we all have faults that never show up on our CV's, and it's okay to have them. We need to go back to when we were more human and less paper-perfect.
Oh, the irony... Yes, this is a much more "human" way to communicate.
(Via TechCrunch)
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