Q. Can a digital audio file ripped on a PC play on a Mac?
Stop saying "ripped". It's stupid. Use a real word like "recorded". Same goes for other invented geekspeak like "mash-up" or "remix" when referring to a web page or a Cory Doctorow novel. Or "podcast". You're not impressing anyone.
Q. Do podcast shows play only on Apple iPods?
Yes, podcasts are produced by and for the anti-corporate (except for Apple) techno-hipsterati, each one of whom owns an iPod, or several. If you don't own an iPod you're not cool enough. The rest of us listen to the radio. You're not missing anything important.
Q. What is involved in taking a college course online?
Much technology-induced frustration and pain. Why are you considering this? Are you nocturnal, painfully shy, and/or hideously ugly? Even so you can still get in to a good school (I did). Do you not have the time? Find a syllabus and buy the books instead. Study it on your own time and avoid all the administrative and technical hassles.
Q. Is it legal to listen to a digital-music player with headphones while driving?
Absolutely not. It's unsafe. Never wear headphones while driving a car or riding a bike. Don't talk on the phone either.
(Apologies to the NYT for stealing the questions.)
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